Friday, February 5, 2016

Panther bar crawl and pep rally and dance parties

Panther fun kicks off tonight with a bar crawl and a pep rally. The party starts now! See you in the streets...

Dance Night - It’s Mardi Gras time so the regular  Mint to Move Cultural Dance Night moves the grooves of Afro-Cuban and Latin-American dance rhythms. There will be a DJ, live musicians and free dance lessons to celebrate multi-cultures, ethnic, age and gender diversity, dance, visual and performing arts. 8 p.m. Mint Museum, 500 St. Tryon St.
 $12, $1 off General Admission before 9:30 p.m. Tickets available at the door.

Lunch Break - Don't miss the CMPD Animal Controls Puppy Rally features Panther-clad puppies. Disk Plaza, 101 S. Tryon St., from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m.

Artists Events - Meet the McColl Center’s Winter 2016 Artists-in-Residence Carlos Alexis Cruz, Carlos Estévez, Hollis Hammonds, and Heather Hart. They will share their personal stories, practices, and residency goals. There will be a special preview and curator’s perspective on the upcoming exhibition People/Places/Exchanges: Art as a Visual Voice. 6 p.m.,  McColl Center for Art + Innovation, 721 N Tryon St.

1st Friday - Looking for a 1st Friday event? Try Electric Relaxation featuring DJ Skillz. 10 p.m. Stache House, 1520 South Blvd.

Panther Spirit - Start your Super Bowl partying early with the Carolina Prowl on Fifth Street. Basically, it’s a Panthers-themed bar crawl so wear your gear, paint your face and let your inner cat roar. At least seven bars on 5th Street are participating with drink specials, party favors and more. 6:30 p.m. - 11 p.m. $5. Details.

...And Don’t miss the Panther Pep Rally at Rooftop 210 at 7 p.m.
